Framework and Resources
Gender Equity Indicator Framework

The GATI Charter forms the backbone of the assessment and accreditation process. The GATI Self-assessment assessment framework aims to create a gender map of the institution and catalyze a process of analysis and reflection to identify interventions needed to promote gender equity.

The Gender Equity Indicator Framework (GEIF) has been created to evaluate the institutional commitment to integrating the Charter principles across all its functions.

Seven criteria will serve as the basis for assessment.

Criteria 1: GATI Self-Assessment Process
Criteria 2: Gender Profile of the Institution
Criteria 3: Gender Advancement, Career Progression and Leadership
Criteria 4: Gender Policies, Processes, Procedures, Practices
Criteria 5: Gender Climate and Organizational Culture
Criteria 6: Institutional Values, Best Practices, Case Studies
Criteria 7: Institutional Strategy for Gender Advancement

Each criteria is elucidated by key indicators which provide the institutions a rubric for self-assessment and bench-marking. There is a strong linkage and overlap between criteria. Within these, sub-criteria focus on specific issues. At each step, analysis and reflection will motivate the institutions to formulate action plans for overcoming identified gender barriers and challenges for transformative change.

Each Pilot Institution has a distinctive profile and serves a clearly defined mandate. An understanding of the overarching institutional framework, the context in which it functions, its special strengths and constraints is important before any change can be ushered. Self-assessment applications and evaluation rubrics will be broadly the same. However, institutions will be provided exemption from non-applicable sub-criteria.

GATI peer review and accreditation process will gauge institutional commitment to upholding universal values of diversity, equity and inclusion. It will evaluate the proposed changes in policies, processes, procedures, practices, and affirmative action plans designed to promote gender equity. Carefully developed rubric will evaluate the quality and efficacy of consultative processes adopted during the year-long self-assessment exercise. These will peruse the quantitative data and qualitative evidence collected; how insightful the analysis and interpretation is; how impactful policy reformulations will be; tenability of action plans; and foresight for sustenance and implementation of actions over a period of time.

The details on the accreditation framework; associated metric for evaluation; constitution of review panels; and resultant accreditation outcome/award will be communicated in due course.

Senior members of the institution will be provided guidance and training on how to evaluate the GATI self-assessment application and the charter journey. The endeavour will be to build capacity to serve as a panellist on the GATI Peer Review and Accreditation Team. A few assessors will be drawn from the Pilot Institutions.

GATI (Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions) - Framework Development for Advancing Gender Equity in Science, Technology and Higher Education in India
Sanctioned to GATI PI based at NAAC via Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Order dated 30 August 2020