Framework and Resources
National Padma Awards

Padma Awards, National Awards conferred by the Government of India, were instituted in 1954. These recognize works of distinction and are given for distinguished service and exceptional achievements in all fields of activities and disciplines.

Data shows the share of females is not commensurate to their presence and contribution in various domains.

National Science Awards

A number of prestigious national awards have been instituted by government agencies, private foundations and entities to recognize and award conspicuously important and outstanding Indian contributions to human knowledge and progress through research, applied or fundamental, in various domains of science and technology.

Data shows the share of females is not commensurate to their presence and contribution in various domains.

The Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize established in 1901 continues to be the most coveted international recognition. In the sciences, it is conferred for the most important discovery or invention within the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine. Prize is also given for outstanding work in the filed of Economic Sciences, Literature and promotion of Peace.

Data shows the share of females is not commensurate to their presence and contribution in various domains. Till 2022, only 24 females have been awarded the Nobel in Science domains out of a total of 636 awardees which is merely 3.8%. The ratio of female awardees is

Physics: 4 / 222
Chemistry: 8/ 189
Medicine and Physiology:12/ 225
TOTAL: 24/636

There are several instances of seminal contribution of female scientists having been ignored while their male collaborators were conferred the Nobel. This is often attributed to deep-rooted gender bias.

Matilda Effect is a bias against acknowledging the achievements of those women scientists whose work is attributed to their male colleagues

Mathew Effect whereby an eminent scientist often gets more credit than a comparatively unknown researcher, even if their work is shared or similar

Other International Science Awards and Prizes

A number of prestigious International Awards have been instituted by governments, private foundations and entities to recognize and award conspicuously important and outstanding Indian contributions to human knowledge and progress through research, applied or fundamental, in various domains of science and technology. Some of these awards carry a prize money that is far more than the Nobel Prize.

Data shows the share of females is not commensurate to their presence and contribution in various domains. This is often attributed to prevalent gender bias. To overcome the obvious disadvantage, in recent times some awards have been instituted to recognize the work of females.

GATI (Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions) - Framework Development for Advancing Gender Equity in Science, Technology and Higher Education in India
Sanctioned to GATI PI based at NAAC via Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Order dated 30 August 2020